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Author Guideline

Steps for submitting Manuscripts:

  • The author registers as an author (checking the author role) on the "Register" section on the page icostelm.org
  • After the author logs in as an Author, click "New Submission".
  • The stages of article submission consist of 5 stages:
    1. In the Start section, check all checklists, then click save & continue.
    2. In the Upload Submission section, please upload the article manuscript file in MS Word in this section. After that, click save & continue.
    3. In the Enter Metadata section, enter the data of all authors and affiliates. If the author is more than one person, please click "add author", then fill in the author's data like the first author, and so on. Next, fill in the title, abstract, keywords, research methods, and bibliography in each of the available columns.
    4. In the Upload Supplementary Files section, it is permissible to upload supporting files or cover letters or other documents.
    5. In the Confirmation section, please click "Finish Submission" if all data is correct.

General Instructions

All manuscripts submitted to this conference undergo a selection and assessment process by the Organizer. The conference applies this process as the preliminary selection to determine whether the manuscripts have conformed to the conference’s submission guidelines, focus and scope and whether they are of excellent academic quality. The language check also becomes essential to our screening at this stage. Authors must ensure that the conference editors and reviewers fully understand the academic content of their paper. Authors must ensure that the manuscript submitted to this conference has been proofread. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are prohibited. Each author is responsible for ensuring that the manuscript submitted to this conference is original and plagiarism free. It is our routine procedure to run all submissions through plagiarism detection software. The result of manuscript screening should be 25% of the maximum similarity. Also, the Conference Editor has the right to decline the submission when it is found that the manuscript is detected with plagiarism. The review process applies the double-blind peer review method, in which neither authors nor reviewers know each other’s identities. When the manuscript has passed the desk review stage, editors will deliver a manuscript to two reviewers who are experts in the field of the submitted manuscript. The task of reviewers is to assess originality, clarity of presentation, and contribution to the legal knowledge. Typically, reviewers will complete the review process within three weeks. Manuscripts that did not successfully pass the desk review process will not proceed to this stage and will be rejected.

Particular Instructions

  1. The article is the result of empirical research in Environmental Issues and Sustainable Technologies for Increase Economic Growth.
  2. Because of the "Blind Review" system, the author hoped not to include the name, the name, and address of the institution and email address in the cover of the article. The author's name, the name of the institution, as well as the email address listed at the time of registration. To facilitate communication should include an active mobile number.
  3. The content and systematics of articles written using the format presented in a narrative essay in the form of a paragraph, without numbering in front subtitles, and should include these components.
    • Title, provided that: a) the title is the formulation of a brief discussion of content, compact, and clear. May use the title of creative and attract readers (maximum 16 words). b) the title is written in English and Indonesian. c) the title is typed in bold, use capital letters for each beginning of a word, except for conjunctions and prepositions.
    • Abstract written in English and Indonesian. Abstract is the essence of the subject of the whole article. Abstract written in one paragraph within one space, with a maximum length of 250 words. Abstract presented briefly and clearly, it must contain four (4) elements, namely: Reasons for the selection of topics or the importance of the research topic, the aims of the reseach, research methods, and finding of the results.
    • Keywords contains basic words in the study, can be drawn from the research variables, characteristics of the subjects, and the theory of the referenced (minimum three words or combinations of words, written in alphabetical order).
    • Introduction contains background of the problems, objectives and benefits of the research, the literature review, and concludes with the hypothesis (number of pages approximately 20%).
    • Method contains the identification of the variables, the research subjects, research instruments and methods of research including used data analysis techniques (the number of pages approximately 20%).
    • The result shows exposure data analysis, consisted of descriptive statistics, test results of the assumptions and results of hypothesis testing are presented sequentially or integrated (number of pages approximately 20%).
    • Discussion contains an explanation of the results of research associated with the results of previous studies, critically analyzed and linked to relevant recent literature (page number approximately 30-40%).
    • Conclusions and suggestions answers from the research objectives written concise, clear, and compact based on the results of research and discussion (approximately 1 page).
    • Bibliography contains reference sources written alphabetically and chronologically, Referral sources are published literature in the last 10 years (especially of the journal). Referral preferred are the primary sources in the form of books, reports (including dissertation), or research articles in scientific journals and magazines. It is suggested to use Mendeley as a reference manager at styling the citations and the bibliography.